Saturday, April 3, 2010

Tales of the Arabbian Nights-Genies on Stage

My sister Cami, music writer/director & choreographer; my mother Anna, director; my youngest brother Kenny as a lead from one of the stories in the show; and myself, Puppet Wrangler.
Director: Anna Murdock
Location: Scera Shell Outdoor Theater, Orem
Year: 1995

These are some giant, 20' genie puppets I helped my mom make and operate for her show.
When the lamps were rubbed we would turn on the smoke machine. Against a screen of rising mist Karma Christensen and I would haul these genies from their hiding, sitting positions behind the set as quickly as we could to the top of the stage on a set of pulleys. From the audience they would seem to explode to the top where they would then talk and wave their arms at the actors.

The evil red genie!

The good blue genie.

It's very frustrating when your actors can't remember their parts. Here I am reminding the blue genie what his motivation is for granting Aladdin his third and final wish.

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