Thursday, April 1, 2010

Early Children's Theater

Much of what I am I owe to these 2 fine people: my mother the director and my sister the choreographer/music director.
I am a better, happier, and more talented person because of their fine wisdom, curious intellect, brilliant creativity, and never-ending patience. And the courage to let me fly!

That's me, far left, in the red, looking surprised.
I started theater at the ripe age of 5 years old. It all started with skits, pantomimes, and puppet shows. Our very first class was held upstairs in my mother's house. We eventually moved downstairs and finally graduated to a real theater and stage at the Chilon Reception Center. Our first public performance was a melodrama titled, "Dastardly Deeds in the Cellar" to a sold out house of 50 seats per night. I recall being nervous because I started the show with the first line.
Little did any of us we know...

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